“Introduction to Sociology,” created by Dr. Chuck Piscitello, instructional designer and sociology faculty member, is the first course at Aultman College to earn the Quality Matters certification. Quality Matters (QM) is a faculty-centered, peer-based process that certifies the quality of online and hybrid (blend of in-class and online instruction) courses. Over the past 11 years, only 5,000 courses nationwide at the higher education level have become QM certified.
“This is a big step for us in regards to our distance education,” said Amanda Espenschied-Reilly, dean of general education and online learning. “Dr. Piscitello’s Introduction to Sociology is not only our first QM certified course, he obtained a perfect score! We now literally have a prefect model for all other courses designed by our faculty to be based on. Good, effective design is crucial to support learning and ease of navigation within the online environment.”
Piscitello explained this course is only the beginning. “We plan on submitting all of our online courses to be Quality Matters recognized, especially our BSN-C [BSN completion] courses in preparation for Higher Learning Commission accreditation for online programs,” he said.
All of Aultman College’s associate and bachelor’s degree programs include options for online and hybrid courses. The BSN Completion Program (RN-BSN) is 100 percent hybrid.