
Jo Ann Donnenwirth, Ed.D., MSN, RN, CNE

Associate Professor
Dean of Nursing
Jo Ann Donnenwirth
2600 Sixth St. SW Canton OH 44710 US
Phone 330-363-6347

Jo Ann Donnenwirth, Ed.D., MSN, RN, CNE

Associate Professor
Dean of Nursing

330-363-4129 - [email protected]

  • BSN, The University of Akron
  • MSN, Malone College
  • Ed. D., Nova Southeastern University

Ms. Donnenwirth joined the Aultman family in 1989 as a staff nurse on a step-down unit. Being employed by a large health care institution allows for many career opportunities. Over the years she has been a staff nurse, a project coordinator, nurse manager of medical-surgical unit and a sub-acute care unit, nurse recruiter and nurse educator. When she first transferred to the School of Nursing there was only a degree-granting program. She states “It has been exciting to see the nursing education grow into an associate of science in nursing degree and now into a bachelor’s of science in nursing degree”. She truly believes that Aultman College is a leader in educating exceptional health care professionals who positively impact society. Ms. Donnenwirth also believes nursing is about caring for the client, which could mean at the bedside, as a nurse manager, as a case manager, even as a nurse educator.

One of her personal values is ‘life-long learning’ regardless of the person’s chosen profession. She believes a successful person identifies their natural skills, follows their passion, and continues to learn throughout their life.