
Naomi Stiffler, BS RT(R)

N. Stiffler
2600 Sixth St. SW Canton OH 44710 US
Phone 330-363-6347

Naomi Stiffler, BS RT(R)


330-363-3126 - [email protected]

  • BS, University of Toronto
  • BS, University of Toronto/ The Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences

Ms. Stiffler is the instructor for the following courses: Introduction to Radiography, Radiography Equipment and Computers, Radiation Safety courses and various radiography positioning labs. 
Ms. Stiffler states, “Aultman College is important to me because I am helping to mold the future generations of Radiographers and encouraging them to maintain high standards of professionalism and quality patient care”. 

Outside of work she enjoys spending time with her family and traveling.