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Aully, the Aultman College Mascot

Aully image registered symbol

If you have ever visited Aultman College, you may have seen a friendly-looking (and giant-sized) owl around our campus.

Aully is the mascot of Aultman College. He is a great horned owl, which is the largest resident owl in Ohio. Owls have long been revered as symbols of knowledge and learning -- perfect for a higher education institution that provides instruction in the field of health sciences and nursing (see our full list of program offerings). 

Aully gets his name as a clever play on the words "owl" and "Aultman."In addition to the owl symbolism, Aully was chosen as our mascot back in 2004 as an homage to our nursing roots (Aultman College used to be known as the Aultman Hospital School of Nursing; read about our history). Well-known nursing pioneer and reformer Florence Nightingale had a beloved pet owl that she would keep in her apron pocket.

You can find Aully representing Aultman College in the community and around campus for events such as new student orientations, welcome week, celebrations with area school children, and more. If you are interested in having Aully at your event or school, please call the main office at 330-363-6347 or email [email protected]



Fun Facts about Aully:

Favorite place to study: The Student Success Center

Favorite colors:  Green and Blue

Favorite subject:  Owl-gebra

Favorite song: "Freebird"

Favorite book: Of Mice and Men

Favorite thing to do: Give high fives to students

Favorite holiday: Owl Awareness Day (watch the celebration video)