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Annual Requirements Information

Students enrolled in the Division of Nursing and Allied Health at Aultman College are required to complete and submit results of annual requirements testing by the stated deadline date. Annual program requirements, which may include a cost to the student, include:

  • background check
  • one-step TB test 
  • urine drug screening
  • submission of the Student Statement of Health Insurance Form 

The background check, one-step TB test, and urine drug screening must be completed with the College’s approved vendor(s). 

Failure to complete and submit results of annual requirements testing by the stated deadline date may result in the student being dropped from his/her program-specific classes and/or removed from clinical experiences. Students may be reinstated into classes/clinicals based upon class availability at the time of submission. To successfully complete a drug-screening, students must receive a conclusive result. Any inconclusive result will require the applicant to complete a second screening. A conclusive positive result constitutes a failure of the drug screen. The deadline by which annual requirements results must be submitted is August 15 (effective summer 2014).