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Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Aultman College is committed to a drug- and alcohol-free environment and has adopted a substance abuse policy for the purposes outlined below: 

  • To establish and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment for students.
  • To provide a safe, healthy environment for clients while providing care.
  • To preserve the reputation of the college and its employees within the community at large and within the health care community.

The college opposes substance abuse and will enforce its rules regarding alcohol, illegal drugs, or medical marijuana. The college also supports and will cooperate at the local, state, and federal levels regarding regulation of alcohol, illegal drugs, or medical marijuana. The college will not protect a student/employee in violation of the law from prosecution under federal, state, or local law. The college will not provide protection from the law, nor are the students/employees immune from legal investigation or arrest by civil authorities. The following rules represent Aultman College’s policy concerning substance abuse:

  1. Students are prohibited from attending class, labs, or clinicals of any nature, or any college-related activities, under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or medical marijuana.
  2. All employees are prohibited from working under the influence of aalcohol, illegal drugs, or medical marijuana.
  3. The manufacture,  sale,  possession, distribution, or use of illegal drugs on Aultman property or while engaged in official Aultman College educational activities is strictly prohibited and is cause for dismissal.
  4. For the purposes of this policy, “illegal drugs” include any prescription drug for which the individual does not have a valid prescription. Only the person for whom a prescription drug is issued can bring the medication on Aultman premises in its original container. The student/employee must use the prescription drug only in the manner, combination, and quantity prescribed.

Drug testing upon reasonable cause: Students will be asked to submit to drug testing upon reasonable cause (as listed in the policy). Refusal to submit to drug and alcohol testing for reasonable cause is grounds for dismissal. Students who test positive for drugs and/or alcohol will be dismissed from the college. Appeals may be made through the grievance process.

Aultman College’s Substance Abuse Prevention Program outlines:

  • Health risks associated with the use and abuse of alcohol and/or illegal drugs.
  • Information for referral resources for counseling and/or treatment.
  • Specific local,  state, and federal laws governing unlawful possession and distribution of illegal drugs and alcohol.

Aultman College requires all full- and part-time degree-seeking students to undergo annual drug testing in order to participate in clinical experiences. For more information, refer to program-specific Clinical Requirements. Aultman College’s Substance Abuse Prevention Program and Treatment Resources are available in Aultman Hospital’s Health Services Department, Aultman College Financial Aid Office, the college website, and on WiseLine.

To read more information about the dangers of underage drinking, click here.