
Title IX Policy on Sexual Assault & Harassment

“Title IX” refers to the Education Amendments Act of 1972 that prevents discrimination in school programs and activities based on a person’s sex. As an Aultman College student today, Title IX also protects you against sexual misconduct by requiring a safe campus environment and a clear course of action should you experience sexual misconduct.

Cover of the Title IX brochure

Title IX Brochure

What is considered sexual misconduct under Title IX?

Sexual misconduct is a broad term that includes sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. It includes unwelcome verbal, nonverbal, or physical behaviors that occur on or off-campus and may involve college employees, other students, or people from outside the college.

Examples include:

  • Sexual jokes, comments, or innuendos
  • Retaliation for refusing a date or kiss
  • Stalking
  • Rape
  • Unwanted hugging or touching
  • Relationship violence
  • Pressuring for sexual activities
  • Emailing or texting sexually suggestive electronic content
  • Commenting on a person’s body, gender, or sexual relationships

I think that I have experienced sexual misconduct. What can I do?

While the decision to report an incident is always your choice, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible, especially in assault cases where you may need medical attention. When you report sexual misconduct to the college (a Title IX Coordinator, a trusted faculty/staff member, or a designated Confidential Resource), to Aultman security officers, and/or to the police, we can quickly guide you to support resources. When college personnel or Aultman security officers receive reports, they are required to report back to the Title IX Coordinator who may investigate the incident. Confidential Resources are not required to report your identity to the Title IX Coordinator unless you give permission.

How do I contact someone for help?

You can report to the police by calling 911. When on any Aultman location, you may also call Aultman Security at 330.363.6268 (a number that we recommend you program into your phone).

Aultman College personnel

  • Susan Shepherd, Title IX Coordinator, 330-363-4349 (office), 330-340-3813 (cell), [email protected]
  • Greg Kaput, Assistant Professor of Nursing and Simulation Coordinator, 330-363-1542, [email protected]
  • Monica Mendenhall, Campus Coordinator, 330-363-4281, [email protected]
  • Cynthia Martinez, Student Success Services Coordinator, 330-363-6847, [email protected] 

Confidential resources

  • Aultman Hospital Chaplain Terry Livengood: 330-363-6402 and have him paged; [email protected]
  • Aultman Hospital Chaplain Jamie Gump: 330-363-6402 and have him paged; [email protected]

Victims of assault crimes, especially those needing medical attention, are encouraged to call the police immediately (dial 911) and/or go to the Aultman Hospital (or closest) emergency room. You may request a support person to be with you, and you can choose to be seen by a nurse specially trained to treat sexual assault victims (at Aultman Hospital, this is called the Serenity Program). Even if you choose not to file a police report, the medical staff can provide care and refer you to support resources.

Education and Training

Aultman College offers a variety of education and training opportunities throughout the academic year that are available to all members of the campus community, such as professional speakers on topics like: Sexual Assault Prevention, Trauma Informed Care, Sexual Violence and Human Trafficking and Stalking, etc.

All new students will go through training at Orientation to cover Title IX, Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Anti-Retaliation, as well as Sexual and Domestic Violence Education.

In addition, all employees are required to participate in annual mandatory training, as follows:

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