
Core Ability Assessment


“Assessment is an ongoing process aimed at understanding and improving student learning.” (Angelo, AAHE Bulletin, November 1995, p. 7)

Each administrator, staff, and faculty member is expected to understand, value, prioritize, and communicate assessment as a critical institutional practice. This page is meant to serve as a resource specifically supporting institutional core ability assessment reporting.  The documents provided here are also included in the Aultman College Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment Plan (IEAP). The college core ability rubrics are the standards by which faculty create their own course rubrics, which are submitted with the course-level assessment report forms below.

Aultman College Core Ability Rubrics:

Foundational Education and Core Abilities

Communicate Effectively Rubric 

Information Literacy Rubric 

Social and Ethical Responsibility

Think Critically


Course-Level Core Ability (GLO/SLO) Course Assessment Reports, by Program:

ASN Course Assessment Report

BSN & BSNC Course Assessment Report

BSW Course Assessment Report

Foundational Ed/Health Sciences Course Assessment Report

MA Course Assessment Report

RAD Course Assessment Report


Starting in 2015, faculty submit course-level assessment reports through Tk20 ™, a comprehensive online assessment, and data management system. 

Tk20™ also functions to maintain curriculum maps that identify where the core abilities are being assessed across the college. Emphasis (Low, Medium, High) pertains to the frequency and/or the overall importance of each core ability indicator within the course.  Levels (1-3) are based on the following:

Level 1 = Introduction – e.g., the first time students are exposed to a concept or topic; may only be expected to recall that information

Level 2 = Practice – e.g., students should be able to perform beyond simple recall

Level 3 = Application – e.g., students had time to practice, and can now apply what they learned


AASR Curriculum Map

ASN Curriculum Map

BSN Curriculum Map

BSN-C Curriculum Map

BSW Curriculum Map

Foundational Ed/Health Sciences Curriculum Map

MA Curriculum Map

The four core abilities are assessed following a timeline located in the IEAP appendix.   The timeline will be revisited after each assessment period to determine if/when the college is ready to move on to the next core ability. 


Co-curricular assessment initiatives are also underway, demonstrating how learning occurs outside the classroom. A pilot program is being implemented in fall 2021 to tie college core values to service projects. The pilot will be guided by the Student Services Council and evaluated by the Assessment Committee.